funeral home near Adelphi, MD

Essential Steps to Take After a Death Occurs

After a loved one passes away, the last thing on your mind is logistics and phone calls. Unfortunately, these things have to be addressed at some point. Knowing beforehand what needs to be done can be helpful in the event of a tragedy so that you’re a little better prepared. Finding a funeral home near Adelphi, MD is just one of the steps you’ll want to take.

The first thing you may need to do is notify the authorities. It won’t be necessary if your loved one passes in a facility or hospital, but if it takes place at home or at work, you’ll need to call their physician or emergency medical professionals. It’s necessary to have an official cause of death for legal documentation. If your loved one passed in a home without anyone else present, the police must be called before moving their body.

The next step may want to take is to call the funeral home. They will be able to talk to you about if there are any pre-planned arrangements. You can discuss whether your loved one will be embalmed, or if you would prefer to opt for cremation services. They will also let you know about what kind of items you need to bring when you do come to the funeral home, such as your loved one’s clothing that will be worn for the burial. You can set up a time to come to the funeral home as well.

After this, you will go to the funeral home and meet the director and staff. They will respectfully guide you through the process of planning the arrangements for your loved one’s ceremony or memorial service. You may need to select a casket, schedule a date and time, determine the location of the burial, write an obituary, and select pallbearers. All these tasks may feel overwhelming and difficult to do in the midst of grieving the loss of a loved one. That’s why the caring staff at a funeral home are there to help guide you through all the necessary steps.

funeral home near Adelphi, MD

The last thing you need to take care of is to file for a death certificate. Many times, the funeral home can help you with this as well, if you aren’t sure what to do. These are necessary to have for many reasons, including accessing bank accounts, selling or changing ownership of property, and more.

At Donald V. Borgwardt Funeral Home, P.A., near Adelphi, MD, we can help you through this process with respect and care. When you meet with us, we will walk you through all the necessary steps you need to take after your loved one passes on. We will take their wishes into account, and help you come up with a plan that works best for your family. It’s hard to maneuver all the different steps that need to be taken while you’re grieving your loved one. That’s why we’re here, to help you get it all taken care of. Please give us a call when you need to take these steps.