If you’ve never needed funeral homes in Beltsville, MD, you may feel uncertain about the funeral process and how the funeral home staff will treat your deceased loved one and you and your family.
The relationship with a funeral home and the families it serves is a trust relationship that must be established. That is why you often see generations of families, no matter where they live, return to use a funeral home over and over as loved ones die.
If this is the first time you’ve had a loved one die and you’re responsible for planning their funeral, how do you find a funeral home if you don’t have an established relationship with one already?
There are several ways to go about this.
One of the best ways to get recommendations from your friends and neighbors (or, if your loved one was in hospice care, from hospice care’s social worker). People who have lived in your community for a while will be able to give you good suggestions from their experiences.
Once you have a list of recommendations, talk with each funeral home on the list and let them know what you’d like for your loved one’s funeral arrangements. If there are specialized or customized services that you want, make sure to let the funeral home know in this meeting.
While all funeral homes may be able to provide what you want and need for your loved one, ultimately, the decision of which funeral home you choose to place your trust incomes from the connection you make with them in this first meeting.
A variety of tangible and intangible factors will guide your final decision, but a funeral home’s demeanor (friendliness, kindness, care, and empathy, among others) and responsiveness will play a lead role.
Personality compatibility will also be a factor. Just as in other areas of your life, you just “click” with certain people, you will find a funeral director that you just “click” with. That’s not to diminish any other funeral homes or funeral directors. That’s just how we as humans often get to a final decision, with most other things being equal.
You should look at the funeral home’s history in the community. If you ask 10 friends and neighbors for a funeral home recommendation, and the majority name the same funeral home, then you know this funeral home has a good and reputable history in the community.
You should also look at the services the funeral home is able to provide. Can they accommodate a funeral in their location or another location of your choice and provide all the services you want in either location?
Does the funeral home have the ability to record the funeral service and/or provide virtual access to the funeral service because of social distancing restrictions or, if there are no restrictions because some people can’t come to the funeral service in person?
Does the funeral home have the ability to host a funeral reception on their premises, and what amenities are provided (free or for a cost)?
What kind of resources does the funeral home have for aftercare when the funeral is over? Do they have access to community resources that offer grief support and grief counseling, if necessary? Does the funeral home itself sponsor grief support after the funeral?
When you chose a funeral home, they will do everything they can to build your trust and you can be assured that they will take the best care possible of your loved one, you, and your family.
If you’d like to know more about funerals at funeral homes in Beltsville, MD, you can talk with our knowledgeable team at Donald V. Borgwardt Funeral Home, P.A.